Introduction to assessment and care planning

Here is the structure of the programme and resources and links for the Introduction to assessment and care planning session

The programme is 3 hours long – these timings are approximate – please take short breaks between the sections.

Part 1: Live on Teams delivered by Stephen (approximately 60 minutes) 1.30-2.30

You will have been sent a link by your employer

Here are the resources below to support this element

The powerpoint for Part 1


Part 2: Pre-recorded videos exploring process and policy and direct payments 2.30- 3.30 (space for a 10 minute break at some point)

The videos for Part 2 are below

Video 1 (30 minutes)

Video 2 (20 minutes)

The powerpoint for Part 2


Part 3: Exploring an assessment example and final thoughts (3.30 – 4.00)

Here’s the Assessment Case Study 

You need to read the assessment example and offer a critique of it thinking about the things we have covered today 

Consider the following:

Do you get to know the person the assessment is about?
What is the language in the assessment like? Professional, personal, understandable?
What strengths are identified?
How is risk discussed?

Once you’ve done this join Stephen back in the Teams meeting for the last 30 minutes (4.00 – 4.30)

The powerpoint for Part 3 is here for your reference