The power of rituals is that they ensure that we use as little conscious energy as possible where it is not absolutely necessary, leaving us free to strategically focus the energy available to us in creative, enriching ways.
First gear gets you going – from a stationery position first gear helps you get started – going into first gear will also slow you down and give you lots of control – first gear is one of the gears where self-care lives.
– self-care is not a ‘fall out’ option

Family and friend’s time – this is also a restful gear in the sense you are away from the demands of your labour – although some of it might be ‘work’ this is where all of the life stuff happens – the active and connected part of life
How we spend our time resting can be both a solo activity and an activity with others – rest is sometimes about actively engaging (trips out, going for a walk with others) as well as taking yourself away (journaling, meditation, walking on your own)

The relationships we have at work have an impact on our overall quality of life and on the Psychological Safety we feel at work. That’s the ability to feel comfortable enough with a group of people that you bring your authentic self to the work you. You feel comfortable sharing all of your ideas and are part of the team.

Work Tasks – Many Tasking
All of those things that you need to do – tasks that connect you to other people or get things organised for the day – your planning time – so quick conversations with colleagues or your manager to check things out, emails, phone calls. Short tasks that you need to do to get things moving forward or to keep things moving forward. ….and also planning. You should start your day in planning mode – visualising you day, check you have all the things you need to hand for all of your tasks, and at the end of the day – making sure all is in order for tomorrow – this helps you connect at the start of the day with task and then disconnect from work at the end of the day – so you can leave it behind.

Deep Work
The work that needs your absolute focussed attention to the elimination of all distractions Right place and right time for the right task. You can’t do Deep Work if you are wondering whether everything is sorted for later or tomorrow or tonight or if there are unanswered emails – that’s why you have to move through the gears in order. Deal with the other gears before getting into this gear.
Not all hours are created equal – the first 4 hours of your day are the most productive
We know that stress triggers a state called vigilance — and vigilance is where you find it harder to focus because your brain is scanning the horizon for danger. – stress makes deep work difficult if not impossible
- Rested
- Recovered
- Connected
- Planned
- Notifications off
- Ready
- Deep Work