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Below are details of each session and where applicable links to the Teams Meetings, support material, and web links to resources (these will appear as we go through the session).
You can follow Stephen on Twitter @swshorts for Social Work tweets and @sjmordue for self care tweets
The Social Work Shorts facebook page is here
Session 1: Framework
[This session has taken place]
In the session session we explored what the literature says about the transition from student to ASYE and beyond and what it means to be a mentor. Croisdale-Appleby reports, ‘the first year of practice is absolutely vital for social workers as they consolidate the learning from their degree and develop new knowledge and skills in their first employment setting’
“NQSWs felt ‘quite well’ or ‘very well prepared for practice in general; however, when broken down into preparedness for specific tasks, confidence levels dropped” (because this is context and role specific – not generic)
“Our evidence suggests that, whilst NQSWs report being well prepared, the conclusion of formal social work education represents only a single layer and starting point in their professional development. The transition from higher education to professional employment represents a critical breach of threshold from practice simulation to practice reality”
They found that respondents felt most prepared to ‘promote and enable’ (89 per cent) and least prepared to ‘intervene and provide’ (32 per cent).
Newly Qualified Social Workers’ Readiness for Practice in Scotland – Scott Grant Lynn Sheridan and Stephen A. Webb British Journal of Social Work (2017) 47, 487–506
Croisdale-Appleby, D. (2014) Re-Visioning Social Work Education: An Independent Review, London, Department of Health, available online here
Here’s a PDF including some images and notes from the session
Click this link for PDF – South Tyneside Mentors Framework
Session 2: Tools
[Session Date – Friday 4th March 1 till 3]
Here is the Teams meeting for this session
Tools for reflection, critical thinking, and analysis
– we will use some of these in our session together
Critical exploration of practice blank Tool
Critical exploration of practice with notes Tool
Triple Loop Practice Analysis Tool
Session 3: Professional Identity and Next Steps
[Session Date – Thursday 24th March – 1 till 3]
Here is the Teams meeting for this session