We’re really excited that we now have a YouTube presence!Our first video is below!Have a watch and let us know what you think…..….and please subscribe to the channel and we’ll be absolutely...
There’s a parable of sorts, a metaphor maybe, about a donkey. The donkey in the tale is stuck. He is both ravaged with thirst and famished with hunger and he is equidistant...
It might surprise you to find that I’m not going to tell you much about how to start work… although I will end up there. This is because what you do before...
This is huge isn’t it? This thing that we’re going through at the moment. This huge transformation of how things work and how we go about our business. As someone who loves...
Since starting out on my spiritual journey, I have become much more aware of the moon, her cycles and how it impacts upon my sleep pattern and moods. I frequently find myself...
Sometimes the penny drops and you think… I’ve been thinking that all along but had never really thought of it as clearly as that. Meditation is not an easy thing to get...
Earlier this week I was talking to a group of final year students at the University where I work about self care. They are currently entering their final stages of their undergraduate...
Now that we’ve got January out of the way it’s time to set some real goals. We’ve moved past the New Year resolutions we’ve probably already forgotten about (!!), we’ve finished off...
Are you brushing your teeth twice a day? Are you changing your toothbrush every three or four months? This is what all of the guidance says we should be doing. I suspect...
‘A Proverb Is To Speech What Salt Is To Food’, (unknown author). When you think about it, what exactly is salt to food? Is it something we need to flavour our food...